Applicability and rationality of biological solutions of textile wastewater biotreatment in Faisalabad.

BY Munazza Ijaz (M.Phil Biotechnology)
Temoor Ahmed (Ph.D Scholar Biotechnology)
Fahad Khan (M.Phil Biotechnology)

Applicability and rationality of biological solutions of textile wastewater biotreatment in Faisalabad.


Textile industry secretes wastewater on a large scale that contains usually dyes everyday which makes water reservoirs polluted. This polluted water affects humans, plants, and animals so; it must be treated before its secretion in the environment. For treating this wastewater various biological solutions are used in combination.


Textile wastewater is a vital reason for growing environmental disorders because it discharged out a large amount of colored water that contains different synthetic dyes. In plants, photosynthetic functions are affected by highly colored textile wastewater. Aquatic life can also be disturbed by this because of oxygen consumption and low light penetration. The synthetic dyes have components of metals and chlorine, so, textile wastewater can be lethal for marine life also. Therefore, the treatment of textile wastewater is needed before releasing it out (Holkar et al. 2016). Although many oxidation methods and physical methods are present this time to treat textile wastewater but biological methods like the use of fungi, algae, bacteria, and microbial fuel cells seems very influential for this problem(Hayat et al. 2015).

Biological methods

The dissolved portion from the textile wastewater can be removed by biological solutions. The organic dye, the microorganism load, oxygen concentration, and temperature in the system are factors by which removal efficacy is prejudiced. The classification of biological methods depends on the requirement of oxygen in the process that can be anaerobic, aerobic, and maybe a combination of both. An anaerobic method uses those microorganisms that can treat textile wastewater in the nonappearance of oxygen and an aerobic method utilizes those microorganisms that need oxygen to treat. The methods that are typically used are the combination of anaerobic and aerobic method which utilize anaerobic process at the first step for the treatment of textile wastewater of high chemical oxygen demand that is followed by the second step of using an aerobic polishing treatment for treating the wastewater of low chemical oxygen demand (Wang et al. 2011). If the textile wastewater has high chemical oxygen demand, more than 3 g/L, that shows wastewater contain many organic compounds that can be degraded biologically like starch or polyvinyl alcohol, so, this wastewater is favorable for an anaerobic process by which methanogenic biogas is generated (Rongrong et al. 2011).

The methanogenic biogas that is produced by anaerobic treatment have calorific value and the potion of energy that is produced by its combustion can be utilized in the next step of aerobic polishing. The microorganisms used in these biological processes adjust their selves according to textile dyes and new robust strains are developed that are helpful in the conversion of these dyes into less perilous forms. In this whole process, the biodegradation mechanism of these intractable dyes depends on the enzymes like lignin peroxidase, tyrosinase, laccase, NADH-DCIP reductase, aminopyrine N-demethylase, and hexane oxidase (Solís et al. 2012).

The utilization of biological methods for treating textile wastewater have interests like (1) cost-competitive, (2) environment-friendly, (3) give harmless metabolites, (4) less consumption of water, (5) less muck production (Hayat et al. 2015). The biological method's efficacy and accuracy for degradation depends on the activity of enzymes and the flexibility of the selected strains of microorganisms. Thus, the degradation of numerous dyes is achieved by many enzymes and microbes that have been isolated. In the textile wastewater treatment, isolation of potential strains and their utilization for degradation is a thought-provoking biological facet. The varied varieties of textile dyes are present in the wastewater of the textile industry which can be treated by many microbes like fungi, algae, and bacteria (Holkar et al. 2016).

Fungal cultures for degradation of dyes

In the changing environmental situations, fungal cultures can adjust their metabolism. This is the reason for their survival in extremely harsh environmental conditions. The fungi have extracellular and intracellular enzymes that are useful in maintaining metabolic processes. These fungal enzymes are capable of degrading different dyes that are present in textile wastewater, so, they make fungal cultures suitable for the degradation of synthetic dyes present in the textile wastewater. These enzymes include Laccase, lignin peroxidase, and manganese peroxidase (Chen and Yien Ting 2015a). For the removal of dyes, white rot fungal cultures are utilized mostly. White rot fungi Pleurotus eryngii (Hadibarata et al. 2013), coriolopsis species(Chen and Yien Ting 2015a) and Penicillium simplicissimum (Chen and Yien Ting 2015b) showed their degradation properties. Yet, use of white-rot fungi for the degradation of textile wastewater has some disadvantages such as variable enzyme production, large bioreactor size to maintain a culture for a long time, long growth phase and need of nitrogen restrictive environment (Anastasi et al. 2011). The major problem for utilizing fungal culture is that after 20-30 days bacteria start growing and fungi is no more functional in the system to degrade dyes (Jonstrup et al. 2013).

Algae for degradation of dyes

For the degradation of textile waste water algae are considered very important and algae are universal. Numerous species of algae are useful for the degradation of textile wastewater. There are three mechanisms that are followed by algae are, first is the utilization of dyes for the growth of algae, second is dyes are transformed to the colorless intermediates or carbon dioxide and water and third is chromophore absorption by algae (Holkar et al. 2016).

Pure culture and mixed culture for degradation of dyes

Normally, anaerobes, aerobes and facultative anaerobes (can grow with and without oxygen) are very important for the biodegradation of textile dyes. As compared to the facultative and anaerobic treatments, all aerobic procedures produce muck. Mainly bacteria degrade azo dyes by the breakage of azo bonds by an enzyme known as azo-reductase during an anaerobic situation. By the breakdown of the azo bonds the monochrome poisonous intermediates are produced that are again treated by the anaerobic or aerobic methods (R et al. 2012).

Factors affecting bacterial degradation

The different physiochemical factors that directly control the biodegradation of textile dyes are temperature, pH, Oxygen, the structure of dye, concentration of dye, concentration of nitrogen and carbon. Therefore, it is vital to investigate the effects of each parameter to develop a cost-effective and environmental friendly procedure of bacterial degradation of textile wastewater.

Conclusion and recommendations

Aim of the textile wastewater treatment is to minimize water pollution or to make water pollution-free. Textile waste treatment plants are used to achieve environmental safety as much as possible. None of the biological methods is enough to treat the wastewater and remove all the impurities. Therefore, a combination of these methods is used to treat textile wastewater. Faisalabad is known as a textile city but unfortunately, there are very few wastewater treatment plants are working and the plants which are working totally depend on the physical methods and oxidation methods. So, I recommend industrialists to use combinations of biological degradation procedures to protect our present and future.

 Author's Details

Munazza Ijaz 1, Temoor Ahmed 2Fahad Khan 1

1M.Phil (Biotechnology), 2 Ph.D. Scholar
1Department of Biotechnology and bioinformatics, GC University, Faisalabad.

2Institute of biotechnology at college of agriculture and biotechnology, Zhejiang University, China.

Reviewed & Edited by

Parwsha Zaib1, M.Ahsan ul Haq 2

1 Ph.D. Scholar,2 M.Phil Scholar

1.Department of biotechnology and bioinformatics, GC University, Faisalabad.

2Department of Biochemistry, GC University, Faisalabad.


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